Friday, February 1, 2013


We were snowed in (again) last week, and I thought our snowdrops were dead. The weather has been more than crazy. It was hot-cold-hot-cold, on and off, for two months. Last week it was freezing, I wore my coat and snow was everywhere. Since yesterday, there's no snow, I've been outside since early morning, wearing only my jumper, with sleeves rolled up to my elbows. 

The best thing is - our snowdrops are more than alive. They're gorgeous. :-)

 I love snowdrops. They say spring, like nothing else.

I was taking these pictures when I saw this little bee. See, there are even bees around, enjoying in this early spring. Well, until Sunday, anyway. The weather forecast for Sunday is, guess again, snow!

Ahhh, the unpredictable nature. I'll try not to worry.


Today I'll join:
Sherry at the Charm of Home

Home Sweet Home #104              

Courtney at the French Country Cottage

Feathered Nest Friday

and Cindy at My Romantic Home

A Candle Giveaway and Show and Tell Friday


  1. Your snow drops are so sweet and dainty! We're having crazy weather here too, but today was bitter cold.
    Thanks so much for visiting and always leaving such lovely comments.
    Mary Alice

    1. Thank you, Mary Alice! :-) It's been a real weather roller coaster here, too! Now, I really hope for some warm and sunny days.
